HOWTO: Get more visualizations in Totem/Rhythmbox
After 4 years, I finally got sick of GOOM and decided to figure out how to get more visualizers in Totem and Rhythmbox.
Turns out all you need to do is install the libvisual-0.4-plugins package through Synaptic. Piece of cake.
In Gutsy this buys you eight more visualizers, although I was hoping for more than that*. I feel the urge to write a cool visualizer one day, seems like a good weekend project.
* I was hoping that it'd be like installing xscreensaver-gl-extra and xscreensaver-data-extra, where you get a ton of really funky new screensavers.
I installed them and started rythymbox back up and all i had was goom.. ?
you could also install projectm (easiest way would be to built it from debian's source packages).
there is also a visualization called g-force which was stripped from debian/ubuntu due to a licensing issue (hobbyist users only for personal use). you could build it from the source package i made for it.
If you get around to writing a music visualization for libvisual then please contact me as i would be happy to test it and possibly add it to debian/ubuntu.
( as DarkMageZ)
to anonymous in the above comment. close down all gstreamer based applications and then remove the folder called .gstreamer-0.10 from your home directory. then try again. have fun.
you need to install libvisual 0.4.0-dev as well as libvisual 0.4.0-plugins
thanks for the tipoff i to was getting bored of goom , maybe it should have been 'goom what a missed oportunity'.
anyway this worked well for me in 64bit hardy , i didn't need the dev package.
The dropdown doesn't make it clear
that there are new plugins , scroll it.
jess is excellent but oinksie crashed.
Thanks for the useful information! Yayyy
hey everyone I installed both packages and I still find only Goom.
I'm using ubuntu dapper, and installed libvisual-0.4-plugins without problems but still don't have the other visualisations
I've started a visualization project which i've just packaged up for hardy. The homepage is at
You good programmers writing visualizers and practically operating systems in a weekend. It takes me 2 weeks just to make a Pac Man game in SDL. =P
if you installed libvisual-0.4.0 and libvisual-0.4.0-plugins and you still have only GOOM available, delete/rename the .gstreamer-0.10 folder in your home directory. On the next restart of rhythmbox, this folder get's recreated thus making libvisual plugins available in rhythmbox. Unfortunatly only non-opengl visuals will be available since gstreamer doesn't support opengl plugins (like projectm). So you won't get these to work in rhythmbox even if you install the libvisual-projectm package.
sorry f im being dumb, but i don't know if this has worked! with rhythmbox 0.13.3 i dont see anywhere where a list of viz plugins would BE. I have only window or fullscreen for the viz and there's no configurable menu anywhere. I may not have installed the plugins correctly, would that hide the list field?
(going off the 2005 rhythmbox screenshot, hence wondering if things have changed!)
in lieu of a response so far, ppl might want to try fische: install from software centre & run from command line. Deets here:
In current rhythmbox, the visualization tab shows just below the playlists. It looks just like a playlist entry.
You need to enable the plugin for visualizations first, if it isn't already enabled.
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